
This post provides seven practical strategies for building your church's brand, helping you create a cohesive, welcoming, and memorable experience for both current and prospective members.
When you think of Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, or Nike, what images, emotions, and even tastes come to mind? Perhaps it's the unmistakable shape of a Coke bottle, the silhouette of the golden arches, or the iconic "Just Do It" slog…
The Episcopal Pulse community weighs in on the Christian Super Bowl ads.
Creating a contact card for your congregation is a simple way to raise awareness among your community.
The Rev. Sandy Webb talks about the cycle of news in his church and how he tries to control its flow throughout the week.
Canon Annette Buchanan writes in her blog post about improving church communications that, “We need to continuously ask ourselves who are we not reaching, who is not being heard or seen and who is being left out as we live in…
Looking to inspire new gifts to your endowment? Today's donors give where they see impact. Discover how to tell the story of your endowment and engage parishioners in our latest blog post, Telling Your Endowment Story.
In our latest blog, Greg Syler talks about technology and the Covid pandemic, and suggests maybe it’s time to come back together in person.
In his latest blog, ECF President Donald Romanik discusses gathering together, as family, community and church.
This month we offer Five Reflections on Hybrid Church and Digital Ministry
The Rev. Sandy Webb emphasizes the importance of a communications ministry in our latest blog.
In our latest blog, Ken Mosesian takes a stand against gossip as a sin that gets in the way of transformation.
In our latest blog, ECF Fellow Kyle Oliver talks about digital ministry and its use in bringing communities together with Learning Forte.
In our latest blog, Ken Kroohs talks about communication in the church, both what people are saying and more importantly, what people are hearing. Here he offers three principles for good communication.
In our latest blog, Lisa Fischbeck explores liturgy in these pandemic times and how it can engage a congregation, both on-screen and off.
Patrick Kangrga gives us the conclusion to his blog, Ministering From an Empty Cup: Survey of Faith Formation Professionals and Volunteers, where he does a deep dive into the many comments that people left.
Sarah Cowan asks: how will you bring a Mister Rogers moment to your people through your online experiences?
In our latest blog, Ken Mosesian acknowledges that it is possible to overdose on online meetings, even though they are our link to the outside world.
In our latest blog, Lisa G. Fischbeck imagines how Jesus would be a good Zoom bomber, not a malicious one like the kind that spout epithets, but the kind that might take over our screen with words of love and peace.
In Church as Brand, Ken Mosesian describes a brand as a promise, something that you can count on. What can you count on your church for?