December 19, 2019

3 Wise Gifts

They may not have the fragrance of frankincense or the mystery of myrrh, but here are three gifts worth their weight in gold to your faith community.

Bless your church treasurer, rector or your entire Finance Committee or Vestry with copies the recently released Finance Resource Guide. According to the Episcopal Church Foundation, this book is of value to newly ordained priests, veteran parish treasurers, and everyone in between.

The Finance Resource Guide offers a basic, practical, and theologically grounded resource for lay and clergy leaders to navigate the complex but essential tasks of raising, stewarding, and expending financial resources for local mission and ministry.

Moreover, the Finance Resource Guide weaves its lessons with spirituality, teaching us how to talk about money with confidence and joy – a gift worth sharing for sure. And a value at only $12 per copy if you order purchase online before the end of this year through Forward Movement. Click here for more information and to order.

The second wise gift has both monetary and eternal benefits. Planned Giving on Demand is a comprehensive package of print and online resources to help you establish, enhance, and sustain an effective planned giving ministry (a likely New Year’s Resolution for many faith communities). For just $35, Planned Giving on Demand offers practical resources for five levels of planned giving program development, from Getting Started to the Legacy Society Stage. Click here to order from Forward Movement.

Gift number 3 is an oldie but goodie, updated to meet the changing needs and challenges of congregational leadership. The Vestry Resource Guide offers a deliberate focus on the importance of lay and clergy leadership teams, along with comprehensive information and advice about the ministry of the vestry, leading faith communities, stewardship, and navigating clergy transitions. Click here to order from Forward Movement at $15 per copy (or less if ordering 5 or more).

Vestry leading, still proceeding, these gifts shine with hope and light.