March 17, 2020

A Time for Everything

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that “there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens,” including, “a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing.”

Yes, this is a time to refrain from embracing. But what else does this scary time of COVID-19 offer to those in church leadership?

A time to reach out by phone or greeting card.
A time to deliver food and medicine.
A time to start a telephone and/or email prayer chain.
A time to recruit people to join a ministry committee.
A time to peacefully end ministries that have been struggling to survive.
A time to learn how to hold meetings using video technology.
A time to plan a website update.
A time to improve presence on social media.
A time to clean out the _______ room.
A time to claim hope in our faithful God of abundance and so -
A time to plan the next annual stewardship drive.
A time to investigate on-line giving and/or to implement the system.
A time to plan for rejuvenating or implementing a planned giving ministry.
A time to gather cost estimates for projects.

Oh my goodness – possibilities for so much! And also…
A time to be silent.
A time to pray.
A time to finally walk that labyrinth.
A time to read the book your priest mentioned in a sermon months ago.

May you discover God’s blessings in any time, including this one.