June 8, 2020

Pray for Wings

Participating as a lay leader of a congregation is a joyful opportunity to participate in building up the Kingdom of God. Sometimes that joy ebbs low as we face of fewer people in the pews and fewer pledges in the plate. Our highest hope and prayers aim to get by for another year, rather than really hoping and praying for the fullness of God’s promises.

If you or your Vestry are in a bit of a rut, here is a quote worthy of intentional meditation from 19[1] century preacher and Bishop of Massachusetts, Phillips Brooks:

"Pray the largest prayers. You cannot think a prayer so large that God, in answering it, will not wish you had made it larger. Pray not for crutches but for wings."

Ask yourselves as a Vestry: What are the crutches that satisfy us? Are our expectations for God’s provision meager or mighty?

What is our highest vision for the impact of the ministry and presence of our church? Do we have the courage to pray for wings that will carry us there?

Wings. Wings to soar above the past and present. Eagle wings for hope, courage, strength and renewal.

Pray for wings.

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