January 8, 2021

A Message From Donald Romanik

Dear Friends,

We all are shocked, saddened, and disgusted by the events of January 6. A band of rioters, emboldened by the reckless and incendiary rhetoric of the President, interrupted the constitutional business of the people, violated the safety of our elected representatives, and desecrated our nation’s Capitol, the seat of our federal government and a sacred symbol of our republic. How could this possibly happen in the United States of America?

It has become clear that not only our buildings, but our very system of government which we hold so dear and take for granted, is vulnerable, fragile and capable of being fractured before our very eyes. While our American democracy will survive, it will take a lot of hard work by everyone, elected officials and all of us alike, to make it thrive once again.

For over 70 years, the Episcopal Church Foundation has encouraged and inspired our local faith communities to thrive as they empower their members to live out their faith as followers of Jesus. During this time of turmoil and uncertainty, we need the Church, now more than ever, to nurture and support us. But our wounded nation needs us as well.

While we all should pray for our country, we must do more. Christian citizenship is a lot more than voting. It involves standing up for what is right, mobilizing, and advocating for justice, equality, systemic change, and the common good. As we learned so well on Wednesday, democracy is not a spectator sport. It requires commitment, vigilance and action while embracing our Christian values of love, decency and respect.

In this season of Epiphany, when God, in the person of Jesus, is manifested before our very eyes, let us recommit ourselves to those principles and values that define us a people. Let’s hope, pray, and most importantly, get to work.


Donald V. Romanik

Resources for racial justice and reconciliation: