Approaching Change

As a denomination deeply rooted in tradition it is often difficult for church leaders to know what to keep and what to let go of. The cultural world around us is quickly changing, and many Episcopal congregations need the same. Change is not a four-letter word but should also not be taken lightly.

Below are 10 resources that explore the concept of change and help congregations navigate change. Some will teach you the nuts and bolts of how to address change, while others are stories of success to inspire your leadership.

  • Change is Possible by Richelle Thompson (5 minutes)

    A brief story of change from a congregation honoring the past but seeing the possibilities of the future. When a long-term ministry takes a new direction, honoring the history and individuals that took part in building it is an essential piece of the change work.

  • Satisfied Churches Don’t Change by Alissa Newton (10 minutes)

    Congregational development expert Alissa Newton teaches a change model to implement in order to take the first steps to lasting change. Learn how to identify the key components of making a successful change for your congregation.

  • Change: It’s All Connected by Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows (5 min)

    Looking at the whole diocesan system, Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows reflects on the interconnectivity of congregations within that system.

  • Embracing Change by Morris Thompson (5 minutes)

    When the neighborhood around your congregation changes, are you equipped to see your new mission? Are you ready to build authentic relationships with new neighbors? Morris Thompson shares the story of his congregation as they discern God’s new call for them.

  • How to See the Church of the Future Today by Lorenzo Lebrija (15 min)

    Lorenzo Lebrija invites us to contemplate the church of 2050 and how it directly connects to the church of today. As a certified futurist and Executive Director of TryTank Experimental Laboratory, he helps church leaders see the need to future plan.

  • Navigating the Future: ECF Fellowship Partners and the Evolving Church (45 min)

    ECF Fellows Altagracia Perez-Bullard and Joseph Wolyniak have conversation with ECF’s President Donald Romanik on the changing church, the Episcopal Church’s role it, and how theology plays a part.

  • Take the “Approaching Change in a Congregation” online course (30 min)

    ECF’s Adaptive Ministries team offers an online course for church leaders to learn the basics of systemic change and to begin the tangible first steps. Invite your leadership team to take the course together.

  • Check Out the “Is Pivot Right for You” Course Preview (30 min)

    The Pivot program is an online cohort experience designed to shepherd faith communities in discovering their strengths, learning about their neighborhood, and connecting it all with their missional call. If you’re ready to take the first steps to discover your new mission in this changing world, take this preview course to learn more.

  • Congregational Vitality Assessment Tool by ECFVP Team (1 hour)

    The Congregational Vitality Assessment (CVA) is a ground-breaking, research-based online diagnostic tool designed to provide a congregation with an assessment of its Vitality (how healthy it is) and its Sustainability (whether it has the people, financial and contextual resources necessary to survive). A key area assessed by the CVA is Change Readiness. The CVA single version is free through a partnership between ECF and FaithX. Take the survey for your congregation and see what it shows you.

  • Sign Up to Receive the TryTank Experimental Laboratory Newsletter

    Looking for inspiration or new ideas? ECF’s partner organization TryTank Experimental Laboratory is on the cutting edge of new ministry and the evolving church. Sign up to receive their monthly newsletter and expand your ministry horizons.