Online Learning from ECF

Approaching Change in a Congregation
by: Demi Prentiss

Every congregation and community of faith faces the need to change. This lesson will introduce you to the Beckhard Change Model and help you apply it to your own congregation’s needed changes.

Building Your Asset Map: Building Authentic Relationships
by: Haley Bankey

Congregations often forget that their most important mission field is in their own backyard. This lesson helps you identify the people, places, and organizations in your neighborhood.

Designed as an introductory course, we will walk you through the basics of knowing your neighborhood so you and your congregational leadership can create an asset map to build authentic relationships and connections in your own community.

Contact Card: Enhance your Evangelism!
by: the Adaptive Ministries team

Join this course to receive a quick guide on how to create a contact card with a QR code for your ministry. It will also invite you to envision new opportunities to use these tools to enhance your congregation's online evangelism and local outreach.